How many times a day have you heard the word ‘coronavirus’ in Cardi B’s voice? It feels like social media is being saturated with information about the efforts being made to flatten the curve and prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to the CDC, “Social distancing, also called ‘physical distancing,’ means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home.” To practice social distancing, we should stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people, avoid gathering in groups and avoid crowded places. We’re being encouraged to stay at home. I never thought I’d be taking advice from both the CDC and Cardi B at the same time, but here we are.
While some introverts like myself may rejoice at the idea of limited interaction with people, the current state of the world can definitely be a major stress factor in all of our lives. Thus, we present to you the Keep It Simple Sexy (KISS) Guide to Social Distancing.
1. Rediscover your passions.
With the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, when is the last time you got to spend time doing something you enjoy? Take some time to get back into the groove of doing things that bring you joy and put your mind at ease. Get back into reading, journaling, doing yoga, or whatever you’ve realized you stopped doing for the pure fun of it.
2. Try something experimental.
We’re home, away from the masses, bored out of our minds. We’ve watched every episode of every show on Netflix, and eaten all the snacks. What else is there to do? Now would be a great time to try something different that you’ve been considering for a while. Try the new recipe you saw on Facebook. Have a fashion show with your closet and test out new outfit combinations, or the handful of things you bought from the mall and never wore. Make double-digit attempts at the makeup look you’ve always wanted to master. If they work out, you win. If they don’t, you can keep it your dirty little secret, and still win.
3. Enjoy the skin you’re in.
Believe it or not, there is a silver lining to social distancing and being encouraged to stay home. What could that be? No need to worry about doing hair and makeup, shaving, or getting dolled up to go out into the world. It means sweat-suits and leggings all day every day. Most importantly, it means no bras! If you live alone, it could mean no clothes at all, and getting to just lounge around in the nude, judgement-free. Now is the best time to take advantage of the opportunity to be our raw, uncut selves.
4. Self-love is the best love! Now, while we do love ourselves in our natural states, it’s also a great time to do a little at-home pampering. Pour yourself a glass of wine, light some candles, and allow yourself to unwind while you dedicate some time to primping. Give yourself a facial with whatever you have already, or try something new and DIY. Exfoliate, paint your nails, or give yourself a healthy hair treatment. Whatever activity you choose to do, do something that makes you feel beautiful as a result.
With these tips in mind, let’s do our best to remain positive and enjoy life to the fullest, even if that means trying every single TikTok challenge to give yourself peace of mind. Continue to be bold, be beautiful, and be you. But most of all, be safe.